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Household appliance in a sentence

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Sentence count:38Posted:2018-05-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: appliancehome appliancehome applianceskitchen appliancedomestic appliancehouseholdhouseholdera household wordMeaning: n. an appliance that does a particular job in the home. 
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1, Imports of household appliances rose last month.
2, Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.
3, Many household appliances are expensive to run.
4, His wife lavished money upon household appliances.
5, Manufacturers of equipment for telecommunications, defence electronics and household appliances have merged or entered joint ventures to ensure their continued competitiveness.
6, Most modern household appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers are already fitted with non-return devices.
7, Full furniture and household appliance ready.
8, Dress Accessory, jewel accessory, household appliance, office appliance.
9, Be familiar with safety regulation for household appliance plastic parts.
10, Household appliance business is the one that has the highest degree in general adoption of the market principle , the full maturity in development as well as the fiercest competition in China.
11, The take - back and recycling of waste household appliance has environmental value and economic value.
12, Usage in thermal places where range of household appliance, illuminative lamps, industrial machinesarc operated.
13, Welcome worldwide household appliance , OEMs to contact us for future cooperation.
14, The leading household appliance brands, by contrast, are cheaply priced domestic makers such as TCL,[ appliance.html] Changhong and Little Swan.
15, Design stage decides most of the performance of household appliance.
16, He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.
17, But the campaigners found only four fridges which were on the list of ozone-friendly household appliances.
18, This is ordinarily the case with automobiles and most major household appliances.
19, More than 90 percent of them said they would support new legislation to ensure higher energy-efficiency standards in household appliances.
20, To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances.
21, The list targeted exports worth US$3,900 million, including shoes, jewellery, silk clothing, foods, and household appliances.
22, This restricts cover for contents to furniture, furnishings and household appliances.
23, Household appliance industry is a huge industry in China, but the reutilization of waste household appliances has not received enough attention.
24, The development, production and application of HIPS special material for electrical household appliance are introduced.
25, The home network is constructed by the home gateway, network household appliance and the universal controller.
26, At least 5 years working experience in CB or household appliance sales.
27, I am told that you need advertising design for your household appliance product.
28, Our products are widely used in communication Power supply, Switching, CRT and Household appliance.
29, Is an enterprise of specially production connector , plug used for household appliance, motorcycle, automobile, communication, etc.
30, Haier is an enterprise that manufactures high - quality household appliance.
More similar words: appliancehome appliancehome applianceskitchen appliancedomestic appliancehouseholdhouseholdera household wordhousehold systemcompliancenoncompliancefinance housein compliance withmouseholesuppliantpliancycompliancyapplied sciencealliancevaliancedalliancereliancebrillianceleaseholdarseholedappleself-reliancedappleditalian renaissancecustard apple
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  • Willie 2023-02-28 15:49:16
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  • Angelita 2023-02-22 22:18:52
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